Taigen is a frequent contributor to a number of websites and publications.
Dōgen’s Vision of the Environment and his Practice of Devotion and Faith
Dogen’s Approach to Training in Eihei Koroku
Dogen’s Cosmology of Space and the Practice of Self-Fulfillment
Dogen’s Appropriation of Lotus Sutra Ground and Space
The Lotus Sutra as a Source for Dogen’s Discourse Style
Dogen’s Zazen as Other-Power Practice
Bob Dylan’s Hymns: What Is Really Sacred
Bob Dylan’s Visions of Zen Mind
Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War
We are all Refugees: Tree of Life Massacre- Lions Roar Magazine, Oct, 2018
Now the Whole Planet Has its Head on Fire
Unalienable Rights, Mahayana Inclusivity, and Right Livelihood
Buddhism in the West and Liberation as Eternal Vigilance
American Buddhist Values and the Practice of Enlightened Patriotism
Book Recommendation: Alan Senauke’s Turning Words
Responses to the End of Reproductive Rights
In Appreciation of Thomas Cleary : a Personal Remembrance
Meeting Our Ancestors of the Future
Huayan Buddhism and the Phenomenal Universe of the Flower Ornament Sutra
Dongshan and the Teaching of Suchness
Power and Love in the Intermediate Realm: Buddhist Reflections on “Ghost”
Zen and the Art of Teaching: Buddhist Reflections on “Searching for Bobby Fischer”
Sacred Fools and Monastic Rules